Amanda Gargac


Seasonal depression hit hard this year for me, there’s no denying it. Meditating on the correlation of seasons and cycles in my own life, I've come to realize there is a time for both the ups and the downs. However, we expect ourselves to always be in season, always be at the top, and always be our best selves. This winter I’ve been taking as many doses of vitamin d, and praying for days where the sun pokes through the clouds. Lacking in self compassion, I still expected myself to run on things that don’t allow my brain or body to blossom. Realizing that I’m just out of season, I don’t expect daffodils in December, snow in July, or my team to win the Super Bowl in August. Not damaged. Not broken or defective. Just out of season.

Out of Season

18in x 24in

Acrylic on Canvas

9in x 12in

Colored Pencil on Bristol